Catch the Wave

Meet our team of experts in developing quality & cost effective flavors for your products by bringing the vibrant taste & texture of SavorxFlavors to your team.

Develop taste with us!

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Baked Flavors

Start off with the our baked product selections and enjoy replicating the authentic tastes created from leaven bread and other distinct flavor features such as toasted.

Beverage Flavors

Our beverage category contains plenty of options to customize and tweak beverages to the right level of sweet & saltiness as well as replication of distinct flavors.

Edibles & Tinctures Flavors

As part of the up and coming cannabis market SavorxFlavors dedicates an expansion towards clients seeking cannabinoid infused flavor profiles without the use of highly regulated substances such as THC & CBD.

Confectionary Flavors

Candy, Malt, chocolate and other confectionary good flavors now available at SavorxFlavors. Order from us today!

Dairy Flavors

Dairy products at SavorxFlavors does not contain any unwanted lactose and provides food scientists with the ability to provide those flavor profiles to the laktoseintolerant.

Oral Care Flavors

Our oral care team develops new and exciting flavors to be implemented into toothpaste products that will leave you satisfied and at ease with your products.

Savory Flavors

At SavorxFlavors savory-ness is more than just being able to deliver an exceptional flavor profile, its about getting to know your customer and developing savory moments through the power of flavor.

Snacks Flavors

Ready-to-eat (RTE) market is growing and SavorxFlavors stands behind business owners seeking consultation and advice in developing novel flavor profiles for their products.

Taste Modulations Flavors

Nearly all flavors can be modulated and represented by a certified food scientist in modulating said flavor to fit the appetites of consumers.